Monday, February 23, 2009

fun with eighteenth century diseases

Hey! I know what we can do! Let's each pick an archaic disease that we can suffer from! Someone can do the catarrah, someone else can choose gout, perhaps someone else might like ague? Or how about an apoplexy? Consumption? La grippe? Lumbago?

I'm choosing the Morbid Sore Throat for myself. It seems that I have developed The Mother of All Canker Sores --- somehow spreading from the back of my lower jaw UP and along the gumline of my upper jaw. (I actually believe it's TWO canker sores that are choosing to settle their heated battle over Mouth Dominion by meeting in the middle and holding a series of very painful peace talks.) Not that this is interesting or entertaining in the least. Which is why we're choosing which eighteenth century disease we have.

Come on, you know you want to say that you suffer from the Summer Complaint.


M said...

Summer, Winter, Spring and FALL complaints, myself.

What can I say? I'm an equal opportunity employer.

Anonymous said...

As long as it isn't the Plague...

Pickles and Dimes said...

Hmmm...I'll take diphtheria.

Feel better soon!

wandering nana said...

What is going on with you guys? Maybe the travel is really in a time warp and that's why you are getting this weird stuff.... anyway, back in the old days I got something like that..... they told me I didn't have any bad bacteria in my mouth so I had these huge cankers. I had to drink buttermilk to get the bad bacteria back (now I know that makes you want to chug some of that buttermilk). I did get better.

serenity now said...

I'll take consumption. It always sounds like such a romantic disease. I'll pick catarrah for both of my daughters since that's almost the sound they each made when coughing over the past two weeks--until they were gasping for breath or gagged. I hope you feel better soon.

Amanda said...

I pick the Vapers.

tearese said...

I'm gonna throw up.

Kati said...

No way, is it kind of like strep? Any fever or any other symptoms? Just wondering if I have someone to wallow with :)