Friday, September 17, 2010

the awesome/not awesome of taking sleepy cold medicine at night


One of the best things about writing a post saying that I've been busy and I'm still busy and it might be a little bit before I write again is that, inevitably, I end up writing the very next day. Every time.

So last night* I took some sleepy cold medicine. Let's not talk about why because I am refusing to even mention the Sick word for fear that my body will just give up, wave the white flag, and then succumb to a constant couch bound shivering mass. So instead let's just say that I took some cold medicine last night for some odd reason.

This morning has me thinking about the pros and cons of that action, as evidenced by my direct experience. Without further delay, I present a return to AWESOME / NOT AWESOME, via sleepy cold medicine, all in REAL TIME, because I am fancy. And also loopy.

Sleep! Sleep sleep sleepy deepy schlepy sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Not awesome:
It is 5am? No?
7am? No?
You're telling me it's 8am and I'm still blurry-eyed and mumbly?!


Not awesome:
Rested but feels very-much-like-a-lingering sweater over my enter body, including eyes/ears/mouth/nose. What time is it again?

No more fiery throat of brimstone and death!

Not awesome:
I have given Bean the following for "breakfast" since I can't even be bothered to know what time it is exactly: wheat pretzels, chips, twisty pretzels, Special K cereal. They are all the very similar shade of BROWN, and each of them has fit nicely in an easily-ported-around-the-house CUP. I'm not sure she's even seen a slip of milk in several days.

Have I mentioned the sleep? The glorious, so desperately needed sleep?

Not awesome:
My ability to even care about things that should be dealt with has dwindled to the following: if I can be sitting down while doing it, and if it involves as little thinking/talking as possible. To wit: in the last several minutes Bean has spilled her brown food du jour and I have merely bent down, whisked the floor-infected bits to the side (for sweeping at a later time) and then refilled the cup. Sleep-walker style.

If I can suspend my distant but still real irritation that I'm not doing anything of substance, it's a nice little ride, the not caring. I like feeling unaffected by the growing list of To Do's.

Not awesome:
Still. It's a REAL irritation. And my list isn't getting any shorter, nor are the ever-growing piles of brown food bits lining my walls getting any smaller. (Add "sweep and mop" to the list.)

I am so easily distracted! I can't be bothered to bother! About anything! Other than sitting here on my tushy and thinking longingly about the couch across the room. Mmmmmmm couch.

Not awesome:
Distracted! Yes! And there is a bathroom to clean! And emails to write! And phone calls to make! And --- Hey there's the couch over there and I think I also spy the comfy green blanket. Mmmmmmmm couch.

Whatcha got on your awesome/not awesome list today?

*And for accuracy's sake I will tell you that I did, indeed, write this post on Thursday morning(ish), but felt that I shouldn't burden you with thinking of this depth and breadth until Friday had properly rolled around.

You're welcome.


KAY said...

Miracle Gummy Vitamins that have staved off the Sick (in cute cupcake liners).

Not Awesome:
Feeling like we wore you out and made you susceptible to the Sick.
(I would totally sweep your floors for you. Don't the cats help you in the floor food department?)

Alicia said...

It's a weekend, so I'm not at work.

Not awesome:
It's a weekend, so I'm at home.

Yummy jalapenoized Mexican food.

Not awesome:
Messes with my stomach and makes me nauseous for DAYS.

Archer suddenly has about 63 teeth and the cutest smile.

Not awesome:
Not so cute when he crawls around on my face at 5:20 a.m.

Mmmmmmmmm couch.

Spadoman said...

Watch out, you'll get addicted to that stuff for the awesome sleep and forget about the unawesome hangover.


And oh yeah, Avast ye me hearties. You know what day it be today? Aurghhhhh!