Monday, October 12, 2009

take a mental picture --- it'll last longer

I didn't get a chance to watch Thursday's episode of The Office until Friday night. By then it was me and Chip eating popcorn on the sofa in the living room, gladly forwarding through the commercials and laughing at all the good parts (DUDE! ANDY'S INJURY! KEVIN'S KLEENEX-BOX SHOES!) and even getting a little teary. We also had popcorn last night while we watched The Amazing Race (SO SAD). I did my best to enjoy the last few (awake) moments with Chip. He left for a week-long business trip to Arizona in the early wee hours this morning.

I am not a fan of his being gone.

Though he works so hard for our family. He does everything he can for our family.

I am feeling a little sorry for myself today. I might have to go watch The Office again.

But not before I proudly admit that I actually WANT to see this movie.

I told Chip that I would announce my intention it to the WORLD.

Or, at least the readers of my blog.

It's not that I am expecting some kind of work of cinematic genius.

I just think it will be fun to watch. A rest for the mind. A break.

Like a mental game of Go Fish.

Or something.

I don't even care that it stars John Cusack in what could possibly be the World's Most Badly Cast Role. Ever. (The dude just doesn't belong in an action-y save-your-family-from-the-end-of-the-world movie.)

I still want to see it.

Now. How was your weekend?

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Gosh, it must be sooo hard having your husband away for a week at a time!! I bet the worst is the first day...after that, you can start counting down the days until he'll be home. Keep your chin up!

Had a good weekend, got a bunch of work done around the house. Even had alien teenager willingly helping at times, pleasantly! (that's a big deal!)