Friday, June 17, 2011

really thursday, really truly

(After my complaining about my bad blog titling yesterday, I finally just went back in and edited all the post titles to reflect the days they were written about. So now this one? Is really about Thursday.)

I called Thursday the day of can't. From the girls it was I can't put my shoes on and I can't go pee by myself and I can't eat that and I can't share and I can't, I can't, I can't.

From me it was I can't believe it's only 10:30 in the morning.

On the docket for Thursday: bead necklaces, finger painting, and driveway chalk drawing. It wasn't so much that I meant to make it such an art-heavy day, but once they were all dirty from the finger painting, I just figured we should go with it and really embrace the mess.

And that's all I've got for Thursday, because I can't keep my eyes open. And I can't say much more than I'm exhausted. And I can't believe that there's just one day to go.

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