Sunday, July 27, 2008

she's a winner

We are HOME. We are TIRED. We are a bit on the CRANKY side. But we also have a winner for PIF II: Revenge of PIF.

The lovely winner is Vicky from Secret Mom Thoughts. Vicky will be the recipient of a handmade taggie, was well as some other handmade goods from yours truly. Congrats, Vicky! Once she gets the package, Vicky will post a picture of the loot and then host her own PIF, which will be, like the THIRD GENERATION PIF. Which is really cool.

So I'm sleepy and not very good company right now, which either makes me boring or wickedly funny. I'm sorry to say that I'm leaning toward boring. Which is why I'm waiting until tomorrow to tell you about the PIF prize I received in the mail from Tessie. She (and her package - HA THAT'S FUNNY) deserve Witty Whimsy as opposed to Boring Overtired Whimsy.

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