Morning wakefullness - hanging out in crib while Momma runs around for a couple of minutes (laundry, pee, brush teeth, get dressed...that would be Momma running around; Alice is too cute to do laundry, pees in a diaper, doesn't have teeth to brush, but does have a personal manservant to dress her each day.)

Pose for requested modeling of hats. (During breakfast - oh the humanity!) And yes, this is a different one than was posted on Wednesday.

Miss Alice deigns us worthy of a smile.

Morning nap time: cats included.

AWAKE from morning nap and doing our best to make ourselves known to the cats. Do you think Fergus is aware of Alice? Yes, I do too.

The illusive Profile Shot.

More posing for pictures. There is hunger growing.

But not enough to preclude a smile.

There was another nap in between this part... I make a bad photo documentarian. But I do make for a wonderful Baby Toy Fashion Editor. Look at all those hat-wearing cuties!

Fine. So Alice could have cared less, but I thought they looked smashing. Check out Piggy sporting the egg separator, and Teddy with the 1/4 cup measuring cup. Tres chic!

Our favorite part of the evening: the pre-bedtime snack (Cheerios!).

Pre-bathtime wrestling match.

Tired girl.

Oscar, the bath-loving octopus.

Pink ice cream cone, freshly washed.

Last bottle. Good night...

What a bunch of sweet baby goodness!
Great set of photos.
umm.. excuse me. sorry. what i meant to say was that those are absolutely delightful photos :-)
Would it be totally creepy if I had someone else's kid who I've never actually met as my screen saver? The one in the knitted hat! Yum!
Would it be totally creepy if I had someone else's kid who I've never actually met as my screen saver? The one in the knitted hat! Yum!
Ok, that HUGE GRIN in the eighth photo has be grinning ear to ear. And swooning a bit.
Love the hats. I am actually very, very impressed with the egg separator hat. Awesome.
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