This is an example of the Last Homely House's motto, SAFETY FIRST. As you can plainly see Miss Alice brandishing a red pen (sharp!) in her hand. She's also swigging that milk for all its worth, yo. You'd think I starve this child (I don't). Also: HEY LOOK, IT'S A UTAH STATE T-SHIRT (a family alma mater, you might say).
I have nothing more to say about my child's dangerous pen-wielding. But I DO want to warn you that I have something very special planned for The Creamery tomorrow. Yes, I know it's Saturday, but with Alice and I flying, I figured that it could be some excellent entertainment for y'all. So here's what I did: I signed myself up to allow blog posts to go through my email. My email that I can access on my Crackberry. The end result is that you will be able to read my slow progress toward one Wife and Boy and Husband in North Carolina. Complete with fun-filled bits about security checks, plane travel, and Alice's adventures in public places.
now there's a girl after my own heart!! milk is my #1 favorite beverage (um, at 28. is that not normal?) so i appreciate a good milk-swig :-)
I love to chug milk, too!
Safe travels to you.
Love the picture! She's a busy girl and has no time for sipping...
Good luck traveling tomorrow!
That picture has me laughing my arse off! Hee hee. Busy little girl!
Good luck tomorrow! I have a bit of a nervous tummy for you!
I'm having some flashbacks... College apparel... writing a term paper... chugging something to stay awake... Hopefully this photo isn't foreshadowing for our heroine, Alice. Good luck on the big journey! If I'm online, I'm totally going to check-in. Can't wait.
she looks like the poster babygirl for a Baby 24-Hour Fitness, or some gym. Keep growing babygirl! I love you!
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