and time spent on the driveway, naturally.
April is National Poetry Month. Did you know that? I know it because I get emails from the Academy of American Poets (yes, there is such a thing). Their emails are lovely, filled with poetry bits that make me smile or make me ponder or make me feel like a real live thinking and emoting human being. You know, the good stuff.
In April their monthly emails ramp up to daily emails. A poem a day. I look forward to them. They make me feel floofy, because I'm a poetry junkie.
I am hoping to engender this same love of the flowery word to Alice. We are starting small. With Friday morning's Ode to a Waffle. It went something like this:
Oh sweet and delectable waffle
You fill me with unspeakable deliciousness
And your bumpy waffle holes
Make my tastebuds sing with joy
So, no great Robert Frost here, but still. Give me your best ode to a breakfast food. Go on, do it. What better way to celebrate National Poetry Month?
o french toast, my french toast,
your tastiness is really most
both bread-carbs and sweetness!
your utter completeness
is fab.
my daily treat you should be;
but then my teeth would be
rich chocolate; I love you at anytime.
in milk in the morning, in kisses in the afternoon, on ice cream in the evening
but most especially, in the triple-whammy goodness of donuts and so-called "muffins"
oh veggies-
why am i eating you?
especially when i know there are yummy oatmeal raisin cookies in the kitchen and the creamy deliciousness of ice cream in the freezer.
damn you 12 lbs that reappeared since November.
Bisquits n' gravy n' milk
Bisquits n' gravy n' milk
People get tired of hearing me say
Bisquits n' gravy n' milk
But then when I eat it, nothing can beat it
Bisquits n' gravy n' milk
My Whimsical Friend is coming to stay.
I'm wishing these 10 days away.
These thousands of miles, although they divide,
Can never dissemble my friend from inside,
My heart and my mind.
Oh granola bar,
You are the sweetest by far.
I eat you every day,
to keep the fat far away.
Hampton breakfast are so dry,
tasteless steamed ham makes me cry,
your bagels and bisquits are hard as rocks,
what tastes better? your eggs or my socks?
What I need is french toast with syrup,
maybe some OJ and a fresh fruit cup.
What I crave comes only at night,
steaks & potatoes give me great delight.
(I want that package!)
A Haiku about German Pancakes
Oh german pancakes
lemon and powdered sugar?
...do you if I could
Recipe (in case you haven't tried them)
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
4 eggs
dash of salt
dash of cinnamon
Heat oven to 425, put a tablespoon of butter in a glass baking dish and put in the oven to melt. After it's melted and the above ingredients are mixed, bake for 12 minutes. Rises like a mountain of deliciousness.
Eat with lemon juice and powdered sugar, trust me it's the most delicious topping.
Breakfast haiku:
Cereal with milk,
the staple of our morning.
Quick. Easy. Yummy.
Last night it rained
On my tin roof.
I couldn't sleep.
Must've been the caffeine.
Spring: cold cereal.
Hot kind in fall and winter.
Fruit in summertime.
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